Study Smart

Study Smart

Study Smart, created in collaboration with faculty at Penn State University, provides a personalized study plan for each student. This web-based interface allows students to view their progress in a specific class, revisit areas of weakness, and practice key concepts to improve their understanding. Class health reports are provided to the instructor of each course. The system was piloted in Fall 2014 and was proved to be effective.

I worked closely with the faculty stakeholder and backend developer to create a simple, user-friendly interface for students to navigate through recent course assessments and activities, review material, and reflect on strengths and weaknesses. I was responsible for the UX design, styling, and interaction design. I ensured accessible design choices with optimal contrast ratios, type sizes, and color palette. I also created consistent labeling and hierarchy within the system, as well as written documentation for the interface and user help pages.


  HTML (bootstrap)
  Front-end styling (CSS)
  User testing


UX Pin / Bootstrap / HTML / CSS