
UX Design

Chatbot, or “Virtual Role Play” is a project created by faculty researchers at Penn State University. Using an online chat simulation, it helps new teachers build confidence and skill in engaging in difficult conversations with their students.

I collaborated with an interdisciplinary team of researchers and developers to create the visual interface for the system. I was responsible for layout and style, from wireframes to final front-end development, as well as the interaction design, navigation, and hierarchy.


Tools & Skills


As a one-woman illustration studio and small biz owner, I run every aspect of Shoal, guiding each product from conception to manufacturing and delivery.

This requires market research, product design, sourcing manufacturers, packaging design, frequent collaborations with other artists and small businesses, managing the website and three online sales channels, forging connections with wholesalers, maintaining social media, fulfilling orders, providing customer service, and much more. My high level of engagement with customers on social media drives a large percentage of sales.

My small business has also provided me with amazing opportunities to give back, and I direct fundraising initiatives with other designers and business owners throughout the year. Our efforts have generated donations for various environmental and human rights nonprofits, totaling over $120,000 since 2017.