
UX Design / research

Mahmee simplifies pregnancy and postpartum care. Every patient receives personalized care from their team ofproviders. They can ask questions, get coaching, try classes and support groups, check in with a nurse, record their baby’s kick count, and more– all from the mobile app.

I reimagined the patient experience of pregnancy and postpartum care, while speeding up care providers.

screenshots of Mahmee app
added to plan
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“It’s been such an extremely long time since she had a tantrum-free day and man was it exciting to celebrate that at the end of the day!”
Jessie, mother of 1


Tools & Skills


The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world. Mahmee addresses systemic inequalities by making pregnancy and postpartum care more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Mahmee patients needed an easy way to access care, find community, and ask questions from anywhere. Our busy care providers needed to quickly manage patients, appointments, medical charts, and more.


My work spanned two products, a reimagined patient app and and improved provider platform.

Working with cross-functional internal and external teams, I led UX/UI contributions to the complete rebrand and relaunch of our patient experience. I user tested brand logo, colors, imagery, and messaging, guiding the rebrand process with qualitative and quantitative user data.

Next, I collaborated with the design team to create a consistent visual language across both patient and provider apps, including color palette, typography, components, layouts, styles, and interactions. I translated these decisions into documentation, helping both internal and external teams (product, business, medical, communications) hit the ground running with the brand relaunch.


At the same time, I created a design system in Figma for these changes, adding components in some cases and reducing or consolidating components in other cases. This design system of interactive components, connected to all design files and updated iteratively, sped up the design team’s work and improved consistency across the entire product team.

I interviewed care providers to determine their needs when working with patients, as well as road blocks in the current platform.

I identified new features to speed them up and make their work easier, like a task management system, notifications, comprehensive medical profile questionnaire completed by patients before their first appointment, data visualizations for care teams, and clearer ways to see the impact of automations affecting large numbers of patients. I then designed those features and oversaw implementation and delivery.

Many of the new patient features, like coaching sessions, were intertwined with provider features so both apps had to be considered throughout the ideation and design process.

1. Ask Sesh

2. Technique

3. success stories

4. daily guidance

5. Check in

6. Log tantrum

7. Timeline

8. Recommendations

"Thank you! These techniques are helpful and give some really great ideas. I feel like we are learning an emotional vocabulary starting so young."
Nikki, mother of 2